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Middle School Track & Field

Track info


Thank you for choosing Sherwood Middle School Track!! We are excited for the 2025 season!  Here are some details for the season:

Practices are Monday - Thursday from 3:45-5:00pm and will be held at the SMS stadium track. Please note that practice time remains the same on Wednesday's for Early release, as coaches are unable to make an earlier time, so please make plans accordingly.


The first practice will be Monday, March 17th for all current 6th graders and those new to track. If 6th graders are attending ODS, they can attend Monday the 17th and then when they return on the 31st. The first day for all returning track athletes will be Monday, March 31st after Spring Break. Please note that there will be no practice March 24th-27th during Spring Break.

We are looking for more volunteer coaches, no experience needed!  The more help we have, the more athletes we can accept!

Meets will start the week of April 7-10. We have one meet each week, culminating in the WRL District Meet on Tuesday, May 13th. We will post the schedule once it is finalized. 


Home Meet - We will be hosting 2 home meets in May. EACH FAMILY IS EXPECTED TO PROVIDE VOLUNTEERS AS PART OF THE TRACK TEAM. More info to come.

Uniforms - Included in your registration is a shirt that can be used for competitions. These will be ordered via Adam's Screenprint & handed out to athletes before the first meet. Please be accurate in your sizing upon registration. 

We will be using TeamSnap for communication. Please look for the invite and accept to continue receiving important information during the season.  


Registration is $160 per athlete. This fee can be paid via Venmo on the Middle School Track page. The fee must be paid before the first meet for your athlete to be eligible to participate. 

Please contact the head coaches, Dani Coughran ( or Dylan Stacy ( if you have any questions.

Scan the Venmo QR code below to pay the fee for Middle School track & field.  Please indicate the name of your athlete in the "What's it for" field within Venmo.

Venmo for Sherwood.JPG
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